TESCAN TENSOR: Fully Automated Zone Axis Alignment
TESCAN TENSOR enhances sample alignment in electron microscopy with its fully automated process. Utilizing a piezo stage for precise movement in all directions (x, y, z), it ensures accurate alignment to the zone axis and Eucentric height automatically, setting it apart from other TEM/STEM instruments.
Watch our video to see how TESCAN TENSOR can transform your research and take your sample analysis to the next level!
Key Features include:
Automated Alignments: x-y shift, Eucentric height, defocus, and astigmatism are aligned automatically in the background.
Interactive Alignment: Live STEM image and diffraction pattern from a selected pixel are displayed simultaneously.
Intuitive Refinement: Fine-tuning of the zone-axis alignment is possible without stage tilting.
This system enhances the efficiency and accuracy of sample analysis in electron microscopy, making it an invaluable tool for researchers and scientists.
The TESCAN TENSOR redefines electron microscopy with its unparalleled automation, live imaging capabilities, and user-friendly interface. By simplifying complex tasks and delivering exceptional results, this instrument is a game-changer for scientists and researchers seeking to push the boundaries of knowledge.
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